Friday 13 May 2011

The history of Velterax III part 2

The Great Crusade
During the Great Crusade, even more turmoil was destined for Velterax as the Ultramarines Legion ploughed further into the eastern fringe, they stumbled uppon a world of oposites, Teeming life on one side and scatered colonys on the other. The first strike forces landed on the half teeming with poisonous lizards and were evacuated after several casualties. Robute Gulliman then decided in unanimous vote with his war council to procede with an enclosed area Exterminatus to destroy the Xeno taint. After the purge of thge poisonous lizards and the destruction of half a planet, leavng it unable to support life. The Ultramarines moved on to the other continents of 13-beta-8. There they encountered the Al Bhanshkav and Eldar colonies. At first, both were reluctant to comunicate with the Ultramaries and their enterage, though the Al Bhanskav soon warmed to the prospect of great trade in their exotic minerals. Soon after though the Al Bhanshkav started their millenia spanning gurilla war when the trading adepts arrived and took all the Azur Baronis for themselves as well as the Phosphor Beta. The Al Bhanshkav were labeled uncompliant, though no attempt to destroy them utterly has ever succeded. Meanwhile, the great machines of the adeptus mechanicum started to build the two great hives, Hyperion and Kronos to lead the newly christened Velterax III into a new age.

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